If you’re wondering how to get involved with Joshua’s Dreams Non-Profit let me share some of the ways you can help.
Do you know how to swim? Are you a strong swimmer?
Do you want to learn how to swim?
Do you know of any family or friends that would love to learn how to swim?
What about CPR? If someone needed resuscitating could you perform CPR on them? Would you be interested in learning CPR?
Lifeguard? Have you had lifeguard training or know of someone who has?

We need grant writers…
We need volunteers…
We are always looking for new board members that have the passion and drive to help children and others….
Would you like to volunteer to drive for Joshua’s Dreams?
All of the aforementioned are ways for anyone that is interested to become involved with Joshua’s Dreams!
Remember…Swimming is fun and is a great form of exercise!
Everyone should know how to swim!
Please reach out and let us know, we would love to hear from you!